Tuesday 21 November 2017

Rain Many Benefits For Health

Apparently, Rain Many Benefits, Women Are Difficult Pregnant and Who Are Stress Compulsory Read
Did you know the benefits and blessings of the rain? Have you ever been raining? Has it been utilizing rainwater as a highly nutritious drinking water? Read this and practice it !! Insha Allah useful !!

Try to collect rainwater, let stand briefly then input into clear plastic. After that input into the refrigerator freezer. A few hours after being frozen, take a look !! There are many beautiful crystals in it. Why? This signifies rainwater is a healthy water rich in oxygen.

It turns out rain-rain play is very beneficial to health and drink rainwater perfect it. Rainwater also turned out to be used as a therapeutic material to relieve stress and increase the fertility of the womb, and this has been widely practiced by many women who crave pregnancy. How to? Previously we know before other benefits that can be taken from rainwater, including:

1. Healthy and make hair shine

Quoted from Water Rhapsody, Westerners of ancient times believed that washing hair with rainwater can make hair much healthier and shinier and science is able to explain this. Quoted from Rainwater Connection, the water that descends from the sky has an almost perfect, salt-free, and mineral-free neutrality of the hair. When filtered neatly, rainwater becomes the most neutral material you can use to wash your hair.

2. Rainwater contains H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide)

Rainwater also contains H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide). H2O2 can be used as a holistic healing or "treatment therapy". It turns out that until now H2O2 products in Indonesia are still imported. Whereas in the rainwater there is this H2O2 (inorganic)

3. Rainwater contains Nitrogen elements

Nitrogen is a major factor in the creation of essential proteins for the creation of genetic material in the human body. Nitrogen is needed for all forms of life.
Drinking rainwater allows the body to utilize nitrogen, promoting protein synthesis and the creation of amino acids and compounds that affect growth, hormones, brain function and immune system.

4. Eliminate the fishy smell If we eat fish or meat

sometimes the smell of fish on the palm of the hand is difficult to lose even though we wash hands with soap. Well, one of the benefits of rainwater is to eliminate the fishy smell. Try and prove to handwash with rainwater, must be fishy smell on our fingers will be lost even without using soap

5. Eliminate toxins (toxins) in the body

Dissolve salt in fresh rainwater, then soak the soles of our feet for ± 15 minutes. Do it regularly every time it rains. Keep the pure rain used

6. Stress Therapy It turns out rain-rain activity can also be for stress therapy for both women and men.

 The basic pattern is the shrinking of the nervous system located under the skin tissue. If we rain for ten minutes, then thousands of raindrops will hit us. The rain blow can shock thousands of nervous systems that are scattered throughout the body. Stand or sit in the open while continuing to feel the grains of rainwater touch the skin, pray for the peace of mind. Feel the freshness of body and soul after rain, more fresh and calm.

7. Rain Water For Gynecology

You crave offspring and want to try it? Please follow these steps:
Wait for rain for at least 10 minutes (Do not do in the first rain after a drought), then stand rain-rain in the open water facing Qiblah and rainwater that goes down directly about the body to really wet the whole body. (strongly recommended to keep coverage of the aura)
While you are rain, put a container to accommodate pure rainwater, pure rainwater is rainwater that descends directly from the sky without the intermediate tiles and gutters.
Drink rain water that successfully accommodated by first praying to the Almighty to be given offspring. Drink enough rainwater, not too little and do not overdo it.

In everyday use, can also be moved the rainwater into a place of water, bottle or glass. In order to be cleaner and more nutritious can be sediment for 24 hours. After 24 hours, take the upper half of the water and the rest of the water is thrown away. Maybe directly used for bathing and drinking without boiling or boiling until boiling (such as cooking water). Try to drink regularly to about 20 liters and feel the benefits for your body. Why rainwater is beneficial and good health? Since humans are organic beings, we are created from the soil then the soil will be fertile with rain. So again emphasized, it is advisable for women who have difficulty descendants to bathe rain and drink rainwater. In addition, when it rains we should multiply praying, including praying for descent because when it rains it is a Great time to pray. While still the rainy season let's rain-rain. Please share with friends, hopefully useful
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Friday 17 November 2017

Sex : Strategies For Stronger Erections

Is there a long-lasting way to make sex more enjoyable? Sex is fun, but if done with a time that is too short of course disappointing. According to a recent study, most people's sexual activity lasted about 2-7 minutes. However, as Dr. Harry Fisch writes in his new book The New Naked: The Ultimate Sex Education for Adult, 45% of male orgasms 2-7 minutes faster than leaving their partner to reach his orgasm alone. Is there a way to keep a man lasting in bed? Certainly there, please refer to some of the following ways

Some ways to be durable for men

1. You can masturbate yourself first before sex 

Ejaculation an hour or two before sex with a partner can be a classic long-lasting way for men. With an orgasm first, it can make it harder for a man to ejaculate quickly in the future

2. Hold with Kamasutra technique

This long-lasting way, gained by a powerful Kamasutra technique ever since. You just need a hand and less than 30 seconds to do it. Here's how, when penetration and you start feeling orgasm want to reach the top, pull the penis from the vagina. You can grasp the shaft of your penis, then place the thumb on the bottom of the head of the penis. Gently press gently.

You can also do a touch of sex with the other hand on the body of the couple, for the mood to make love does not go down directly. In fact, you can ask for help couples to hold ejaculation that almost peaked.

3. Ladies first

Actually, this way is one of the things that can be tricked so that men and women can be equally mutually satisfied. Especially if you are the type of man whose orgasm is lightning fast aka not durable. You can invite yourself to satisfy women first. Reach the point of stimulation and play the G-spot until he orgasm (women take a long time to orgasm). After that, you just do penetration to complete your orgasm turn.

4. Relax and just passive

If the fast orgasm is caused by your power and style that is so attractive, you can take a passive position and take your body as quietly as possible. With such relaxation, you can last longer and let the couple take over the reins. For example, you can make love with a woman on top position.

5. Continue the second round without women noticing

Calm down, men still have many ways to outsmart early orgasms. If you are an "easy to get out" type, you can continue to have sex without having to tell your partner that you have an orgasm. This can be done during orgasm inside the vagina, or you have sex using a condom.

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How To Get Pregnant Fast After Menstruation

Which husband and wife do not want to have a baby? Surely all couples want to have offspring from their own flesh blood. However, their desire is not always realized quickly, there are up to wait 3 years, 4 years, even 7 years more to be able to have a child.

Well, if you are impatient to have children or your parents can not wait for grandchildren, here are tips quickly get pregnant after menstruation, here we present the information.

How To Get Pregnant Fast After Menstruation

1. Check HSG (Hysterosalpingogram)

This may sound familiar to your ears. HSG or hysterosalpingogram is an X-Ray test to see if there is a blockage in the fallopian tubes. Using a contrast liquid is inserted into a pipe placed through the vagina to the uterus, and then the liquid will spill into the fallopian tubes.

X-rays are then used to determine whether there is an abnormal injury or shape of the fallopian tubes and uterus, including blockage of the fallopian tubes. This x-ray test is the ultimate test to determine the presence or absence of blockage of the fallopian tubes in your body. If there is no blockage then it means you can conceive a child.

2. Consumption of fertility drugs

How to get pregnant quickly is certainly much better than the chemical way. Consume medicines made from natural herbs. Better yet if the fertilizer drug content is processed alone without a mixture of chemicals. Usually, people who want to get pregnant quickly also consume some herbs from the spice of choice.

3. Avoid stress 

Stress is the cause of difficult pregnant wife. Especially when approaching the menstrual period, women tend to emotion, stress, irritability. Not only when the wife is stressed, but also when the husband is stressed then alan inhibits pregnancy. Especially if both are busy with the job and too much thinking about his job, then the stress hormone is increasing and will be difficult to get pregnant. The body automatically produces the hormone cortisol when you are stressed, cortisol hormone is not very good for women who are wanting to get pregnant or for women who are pregnant young. Stress can arise if you feel in a hurry to get pregnant soon. Actually, it is very normal but it would be better to avoid stress when you connect. Remember, stress will make it difficult for you to get pregnant. So do not think too much about something.

4. Keep your weight

You must keep your weight if you want to get pregnant fast. Excessive weight will be difficult to get pregnant. Women with normal weight will have a higher chance of getting pregnant than obese women or overweight.

Not only women who have to maintain weight, but men also have to maintain weight, because obese men tend to have problems with sperm. Usually, obese men have few sperm counts, morphological abnormalities, and slow motility.

Excess weight is not good, less weight is also not good. Women who are thin will be difficult to get pregnant, so you must maintain the diet to have the ideal body weight and can quickly get pregnant. For women who want to get pregnant, the ideal body mass index is 20-25. If your body mass index is less than 20 or above 25 then you will be more difficult to get pregnant.

Therefore it is recommended for couples who are planning a pregnancy to diet or not overeating, regulated diet, do not eat carelessly. These include how to quickly get pregnant

5. Check the sperm

Early sperm checking is important because 40% of infertility problems are caused by the male side. Make sure your sperm is of excellent quality because a qualified sperm will have a deeper ability to fertilize an egg. Good sperm criteria are sperm with a sufficient amount, which is at least 39 million per ejaculation or at least 15 million per milliliter, healthy and strong with good motility, has a good shape or morphology as well as normal.

6. Regular exercise

How to get pregnant fast next is to eat healthy food and regular exercise. It can speed pregnancy. We recommend that you consume vegetables and fruits of different colors every day, green vegetables, carrots, tomatoes, red peppers, apples, pear, and others.
Exercise is something that must be done by couples who are trying to get a child due to exercise then it can balance the hormone. Exercise is also a good detox process.
But you need to remember, although exercise is good for health, exercise is too heavy just make the reproductive hormones become chaotic. This can be proved by sportsmen or athletes who train hard, their menstrual cycle is irregular.
A good exercise is a sport that is done for 30 minutes every day. Try to choose a sport that is minimal injury, such as yoga, swimming, cycling, and so forth.

7. Taking vitamins

In order to quickly conceive, can also consume vitamins. This vitamin plays a role to maintain your body stamina and certainly will nourish the body. With a healthy body and has a strong stamina, then a married couple can quickly get a baby.

Vitamins do not have to be in the form of drugs, with you eating fruits, just the same as you take vitamins. Depending on what vitamins are contained in the fruit you consume. Like vitamin C in guava and oranges, vitamin A in carrots, and others.

Vitamin C can improve sperm quality, consume vitamin E and D can also increase the fertility level of men and women. In addition to vitamins, folic acid also has a role in the formation of the fetal brain tube. Women who consume folic acid then have a higher chance of pregnancy than women who do not consume folic acid.

8. Ensure ovulation

There are many symptoms of ovulation that indicate that a woman is ovulating or ovulating. Ovulation will increase at day 14 after menstruation or a few days after menstruation. By recognizing the symptoms of ovulation then you can estimate when you will ovulate. So you can determine when the exact time to connect to the possibility of getting pregnant becomes bigger.

9. Healthy lifestyle

If your husband is a smoker, you should advise your husband to have a smoking. Similarly, the habit of drinking alcohol, it can cause you difficult to get pregnant. Consuming alcohol can reduce the chances of pregnancy by 50%. In addition, the diet should be maintained. Eat a balanced diet to get a healthy pregnancy later.

10. Walking

How to get pregnant quickly next is walking, this is the most effective activity performed by women who are undergoing pregnant program.

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Monday 13 November 2017

How To Extend Natural Hair

Hair is a crown for everyone especially for women. Hair also support the appearance of a woman. Moreover, as we know that women are very protective of their appearance. It has become commonplace that the woman has long hair. Therefore, the ancients often lengthen their hair. The hair in ancient times also shows a person's status. However, beautiful and well-preserved hair is definitely everyone's dream. The hair can be a mirror of sikao and a person's nature.
Well,talking about long hair problems, people judge as a feminine person especially for women. Yes, but that does not mean women who have short or medium hair are not feminine. Many people crave to have long hair back after they get tired of having short hair. That way they will try to grow her hair again. Well, related to that, this article will discuss about how to quickly lengthen hair in naturally.
Maybe for people will find it impossible to do a quick way to lengthen hair naturally. Because as we know that lengthening the hair takes quite a long time. In addition, everyone has different hair growth time. So, it could be between one woman with another not the same time the growth of her hair. However, as the saying goes nothing is impossible. Moreover, the way we use this is a natural way, so no need to fear because there are no adverse side effects for our bodies. In addition, the materials used are also natural ingredients. These materials include:

How To Extend Natural Hair

1.Olive oil
Olive oil is a powerful ingredient to help hair lengthen naturally.
2. Coconut milk
 is already known as hair fertilizer. The material used is extract from coconut milk itself
3. Eggs
 Eggs used to lengthen hair naturally are egg yolks. Egg yolks can help to nourish hair too.
4. Apples skin
As we know that on the apple, the skin is having a lot of antioxidants and polyphenols that can help to treat our hair.
5.Green tea
Green tea has a high content of antioxidants. The function of these antioxidants as a hair protector of free radicals and also blood circulation. Thus, hair can grow fertile
Well,that's some quick way to lengthen hair naturally. However, in addition to using
the way from the outside, it is important also to use the way from the inside. Using both ways is expected to get maximum results. We can consume a variety of supplements that contain vitamin B, B6, amino acids, and so forth. These vitamins can help to stimulate hair growth to be faster. So lengthening the hair within a week is not impossible.
Not only by taking vitamins alone, but we also must consume nutritious foods. These
foods include eggs, beans, poultry, beef, milk, and so forth. In addition, we also must be able to treat hair well, for example, routine to wash or wash our hair and so forth. Avoid using hazardous chemicals. That's because it will make our hair becomes more fall out.

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Friday 3 November 2017

Perform 10 Tips Healthy Lifestyle This For Younger Aging

Health is a gift that is priceless but sometimes, we forget to keep and give thanks. How to run a healthy lifestyle is not really difficult, simple and easy to do. You just need to pay attention to everyday little habits and if necessary change it to be more useful for the health of the body.
Having a healthy body does not have to always spend an expensive cost. But in fact, many people are willing to spend huge costs to maintain the appearance and health of his body. For those of you who do not want to spend a lot of money, do a healthy lifestyle starting from the simplest and most important, start from now!

1.  Set a Healthy Diet

If you want to have a youthful appearance, choose calorie foods as energy intake as well as to maintain mood and adequate food that can increase metabolism, heart health and manage stress.

Expand to eat vegetables with roots, fruits with low glycemic (bananas, apples, grapes, oranges, kiwi, pear), as well as foods containing vegetable protein and lean protein. Do not count calories but count quality. Skin, hair, nails, weight and mood will be affected by a healthy diet.

2.  Start Moving

Regular exercise is one of the healthy ways to live. There is no need for strenuous exercise that drains energy and time, no need to waste money by going to the gym, just walking around the routine of your home.

Remember! Moving will keep the heart healthy, metabolism awake and avoid stress. Regular and regular light exercise is a mirror of a person performing a simple healthy lifestyle.

3. Laugh

Do you believe that laughter can make you young? In addition to burning calories without realizing it, laughing also nourishes the heart because it will train the diaphragm muscles. Healthy lifestyle tips with laughs have been proven efficacy to make you stay young.

4. Choose Natural

Caring for a physical appearance from the face, hair to other body parts is already a necessity. The beauty and health products you use may be unfriendly to your body in the future.

Try using a cucumber mask to cleanse the skin, use honey to remove black stains from acne scars or consume carrot juice to treat your beautiful eyes.

5. Reduce Soda Drinks

Carbonated or soda drinks do promise an incredible sensation of freshness. Especially when the heat stung, you seemed to plunge into a pool full of water.

That is the suggestion implanted through television advertising. In order for you to forget a healthy lifestyle and hoard sugar causes obesity in carbonated beverages.

6. Drink More Water

How many glasses of water do you drink today? Did you know, 8 glasses is the minimum amount of water you should drink? And do you know the meaning of the word minimal?

Yes, we all still drink less water in a day. Drinking as much water as possible is a healthy way of life that is cheap, easy and powerful to maintain a healthy body.

7. Start Making Juice

Fruit and vegetable juices can be an effective way for you or a family member who does not like to consume fruits and vegetables directly. Already many creations recipe fruit juice with a delicious flavor without reducing the useful vitamins or minerals in it.

Enjoying the juice on a regular basis is one way of healthy lifestyle that is easy to do besides drinking water.

8. Do not Forget Sleeping

Sleep is a very important thing for your beauty or health. In addition to aiming to rest the body and manage stress, the benefits of sleep for beauty are also very real.

The anti-aging hormone known as DHEA is actually produced while you are sleeping. Eight hours is the optimal sleep time, but if you can get nine hours, that's better!

9. Get in the habit of Positive Thinking

The brain is the most important part of the human body. All activities will be coordinated with the brain before being run by the body. Positive thoughts will keep you from stress, increase confidence and maintain the performance of other organs remain maximal.

10. Throw Away Bad Habits

Everyone will know what bad habits he still does, so do you. Stop smoking, drinking alcohol, staying up late every night until eating fast food.

Start from reducing your bad habits and get rid of if you want to live a healthy lifestyle.

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Tuesday 31 October 2017

11 Powerful Ways to Treat Herpes Naturally

How To Treat Herpes Naturally - Herpes is a disease caused by a viral infection and can be contagious. Usually a person with this disease will experience itching, bringing a reddish color to the skin, and until a small swelling in which there is fluid, so it will look like hurt. Herpes virus can attack the lips and genitals.

Transmission of the disease is usually through direct body contact or intercourse, kissing, sun uv light, and sexual intercourse, in addition herpes can also be transmitted during pregnancy and birth and the impact can be experienced by the baby. Therefore be careful in making physical contact with people suffering from herpes. How to treat herpes can actually be done naturally using traditional ingredients.

A. Causes of Herpes Disease Skin contact with a person suffering from herpes disease.

  • Because the contagious very fast, then avoid skin contact directly with the patient. 
  • Bad air. The virus itself can arise through unclean or dirty air pollution. Usually the spread of herpes virus through dirty air will lead to the mouth. Therefore, make it a habit to live healthy in a clean state. 
  • UV rays of the sun 
  • sexual intercourse to a partner who is experiencing herpes
  •  Kissing

B. Symptoms of Herpes Disease 

  • Feel the high fever 
  • The emergence of itching, bringing a small red puffiness in it there is fluid
  •  Experiencing aches and muscle aches 
  • The skin will feel burned 
  • Will experience shortness of breath 

C. How To Treat Herpes Naturally

1. The Leaf of God It turns out that the god leaves can also be used for traditional medicine to overcome herpes. How: Prepare some leaves of god, after that you can wash with clean water first, then boil it with 3-4 glasses of water. If the boiling process is complete, wait until the water is cold, last strain and drink 2x in a day. Drink half glass enough.

2. Olive Oil
The benefits of olive oil itself is well known and trusted to keep our body healthy, and the results have been proven. Essential oil this one contains antioxidants that can fight the virus that causes the emergence of herpes.

How: Simply by applying a few drops to the infected part thoroughly.

3. Ice
This method is the most easy to practice and cheap to treat herpes, because it can make your own.

How: Simply by pasting pieces of ice cubes into the skin that is infected herpes, let stand for 12-15 minutes. Want to get maximum results? Do it regularly.

4. Green Tea
For those of you who like to consume tea drinks and are experiencing the problem of herfes disease, it is perfect with drinking green tea. Because in it has a high enough antioxidant content, so it can eradicate the virus and cure herpes.

How: There are 2 ways, that can be drunk and compressed on the part that experienced herfes. For the compress you can prepare in advance such as making tea is usually for consumption. Then stay compress on the part herpes attacked.

5. Black Cumin or Black Seed Admin itself used to use habbatusauda to maintain health and treat diseases of the body, especially herpes. Black cumin itself is a black seed-shaped spice, and has been trusted since ancient times. Because it is directly produced from natural plants, so it does not cause negative impact if consumed. You can buy it at the nearest store, because its products are very popular in indonesia.

6. Turmeric Turmeric is a spice that can be used as a traditional medicine, and very effective to treat herpes disease. You can apply to the skin directly and will automatically eradicate the hpv virus that triggers the appearance of herpes. It also can be made potions and directly drunk.

7. Baking Soda Keep in mind that the material that is usually used to make this cake was able to reduce the wound hepes influence, and can relieve pain seta itch. How: Simply by applying baking soda on the infected part using a cotton ball or cotton bud.

8. Another way Do not scratch on areas of herpes-infected skin Avoid rubbing with a towel. Because it will cause transmission to other skin areas of the body Enough rest. Herpes actually appears due to lack of rest. Therefore rest enough that this disease can be cured. Set the diet. Try to consume foods that contain nutrients to be channeled into our bodies such as vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals, etc. Meanwhile, avoid foods that cause allergies in your body.

Foods that can trigger the onset of herpes disease:
If you are cured and do not want to experience this disease then avoid consuming too often some foods below, because it can trigger herpes back again.

Shrimp, crab, mutton, clams, chicken eggs, shrimp paste, jackfruit, fruit, avocado, soursop fruit, alcoholic beverages.

Well that's just some information on how to treat herpes naturally that can HLS99 give. Hopefully useful and the disease you experience can heal as soon as possible

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